Very Easy! Simple Ways To Get Flat Stomach: What Causes Belly Fat, Obesity and Overweight?

Sunday, 27 June 2010

What Causes Belly Fat, Obesity and Overweight?

“Oh, I can’t fit into my clothes anymore!” “Gush, I can’t ever imagine I can be this fat!” “What can I do to slim down?” Probably, these and similar complaints are no longer news, and they all point into one direction: we all dislike excess weight and fat belly. But what really is the root cause of the excess weight and belly fat, and why is it so undesirable?

While in some parts of Africa, being from weight gain is viewed as evidence of prosperity and health, Dr. C. Everett Koop, former U.S. Surgeon General says: “Although most people believe obesity is an appearance problem, it is in fact a serious disease.” Endocrinologist F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer of New York explains: “[The fattening of America is] putting more people at risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, even some forms of cancer.”

What causes belly fat and obesity? Quite a few factors.

1. Heredity and/or genetic traits are one. Experiment shows that this is not related to eating habits. On the other hand a London research team discovered that obese parents could have as many as 80% of their children overweight

2. Eating fat and oil can make us fat; for fat has 9 calories per gram compare to protein with 3 or carbohydrate with 1 calorie per gram. Meat and many dairy products, baked foods, fast foods, snacks, fried foods, sauces, gravies, and oils are full of fat

3. Human body uses of the energy supplied by carbohydrates, protein, and fat also matter. The body burns carbohydrates and protein first, then fat. The unused fat calories are converted into body fat.

4. Psychological factors. You may be eating more than you should because of pressures, frustrations, disappointments, boredom, loneliness or simply idleness. Research shows that the eating habits of people of average weight are generally governed by internal factors, such as hunger and need whereas for fat people it is often external factors as the sight, smell or taste of food.

Could there be an efficient and faster solution? Yes, find out here.

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